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Assistant Principals’ Office

Assistant Principals’ Office

  • Work with students proactively on behavior expectations

    • APs meet with their classes multiple times throughout the year to review attendance and behavior expectations, update classes regarding any new policies or procedures, and to celebrate semester successes.  

  • Implementation of Restorative Practices

    • APs, when appropriate, conduct restorative circles for students to assist in working through peer conflicts, student-staff concerns or other issues to assist in limiting exclusionary consequences. 

  • Process referrals, collaborate with staff/SST, families, and outside agencies

    • The APO processes student referrals (attendance and behavior) daily.  Through this process, APs will meet, discuss, process, and assign consequences based on individual students and unique situations. 

  • Monitor Speak-up Line, Gaggle

    • APs monitor the LTHS Speak-Up Line and Google Drive Gaggle safety reporting program during school hours.  APs also process calls from Gaggle (outside of school hours) when an emergency situation is present. 

    • The LTHS Speak-Up Line is a reporting program for students, faculty or community members to anonymously report safety concerns to the District. 

    • Gaggle is a safety reporting program that is operated through Google and student Google Drives.  If a student saves documents, files or images with words or phrases that threaten their or others’ safety, Google will report that information to the AP Office.  

  • Articulation with Associate Schools for incoming students 

    • AP, for the incoming class, will meet with Principals and staff at our associate schools to review safety concerns regarding the incoming class of students as well as general student support. 

  • Partnership with SRO’s/local law enforcement

    • LT maintains a reciprocal agreement with our local PD agencies and a close working relationship with our School Resource Officers (LGPD at North Campus and WSPD at South Campus).