Campus Safety
Campus Safety
Safety Assessment
LT conducted a safety assessment to align practices and policies with the currently identified best practices. The District Administrative Team engages in a regular review of the assessment, developing and refining implementation plans within the areas of facilities, technology, process, and protocols/procedures.
Signage, secured entrances, traffic (cars, foot traffic) patterns and guidance
Safety Signage has been updated and added to each exterior door.
The South Campus Drop Off/Pick Up maps have been included on the website to promote safe entry and exit, before and after school.
The Main Entrance at each campus maintains a secured and buzzed lock and camera system to manage visitor access to the buildings.
Check-in Procedures for Visitors
Lyons Township High School encourages parents/guardians and members of the community to visit, while at the same time, the high school has a legitimate interest in minimizing disruptions to the educational process, protecting the safety and welfare of the students and staff, and protecting the district’s facilities and equipment from misuse or vandalism. Use this link to review visitor protocols/guidelines at LTHS. guidelines are required for visitors.
LTHS administration and staff maintain consistent presence in the hallways and grounds throughout the school day, including night and weekend security. LTHS continues to increase student monitoring and supervision through the addition of over 100 cameras and by increasing the number of student supervisors at each campus. Additionally, we have purchased additional radios for student assistant/administrative staff to utilize when completing supervision responsibilities. Assistant Principals have provided training to student assistants and will provide training throughout the course of the year as additional staff are hired.
Video cameras are present throughout the buildings at each Campus. Cameras are monitored during school hours and reviewed regularly.
Identification (staff and students)
Students are required to have their IDs while on campus or attending LT sponsored events and field trips. The Student ID Card was recently redesigned to include important Say Something information and SpeakUp Line Information as well as contact information for the following: National Suicide Prevention Hotline, Crisis Text Line, and Safe2Help Illinois.
Staff members are expected to wear their ID and lanyard while on Campus.
Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) are present in multiple locations at each campus