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Multi-Tiered System of Support

Multi-Tiered System of Support

  • Tier 1 - All students’ needs considered when designing and implementing guaranteed and viable curriculum (consideration of culturally responsive standards, WIDA standards, SEL standards, universal design, differentiation, and high-leverage instructional practices)

    • Each grade-level school counseling team plans and delivers Group Guidance lessons quarterly.  Topics are determined based on grade-level developmental needs and are aligned with CASEL Social-Emotional Competency Standards.  American School Counselor Association Standards are used as guiding principles as these lessons are updated each year. 

  • Tier 2 - Use of data to determine areas of focus for instructional/service improvement as well as to determine need for strategic interventions

    • Grade-level Student Service teams have enhanced their Tier II interventions during the 2023-2024 school year in response to various data collected by counselors and social workers. 

  • Tier 3 - Use of data to students in need of intensive, individualized interventions across academic, behavioral, and social domains (may include school social work, Special Education, Section 504 services, referrals to outside agencies, etc.) 

    • LTHS has increased the personnel within the Student Services Division in the past two years with the hope of providing more support for students exhibiting the need for more support.  We have doubled the social worker staff, which has resulted in social worker to student ratios of 500:1.  Additionally, LTHS has partnered with West 40 Educational Services in an effort to connect even more families to community resources and individualized services within the areas of academic, social-emotional, and behavioral support.