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School Report Card 2022-23 Information

Illinois State Board of Education Releases School Report Card Summative Designation and Equity Journey Continuum Ratings (October 30, 2023) 

The Illinois School Report Card serves as the state’s official source for information regarding public schools in Illinois, and the most recent version of the Illinois School Report Card is now available, as of October 30, 2023.  This involves the summative designation, which is a score based on a school’s overall data for all of the accountability indicators, as well as the data for individual student groups. 

LTHS has once again achieved a “Commendable” rating on the Illinois School Report Card.

Please review Lyons Township High School District 204’s complete 2023 Illinois School Report Card.  The state report card also includes the Illinois State Board of Education Equity Journey Continuum (EJC).  The ISBE EJC is an informational tool for school districts to track their progress toward closing gaps in student achievement, opportunities and student supports.  Through the lens of equity, the tool analyzes a continuum of data points that are already collected and reported to ISBE, then places schools on a continuum to illustrate a district’s current progress from Step 1 (large gaps) to Step 4 (minimal gaps) in three areas: student learning, learning conditions, and elevating educators. The data utilized in this year’s score is from our school data from the 2021-2022 school year.  

At LTHS, the Equity Journey Continuum identified large gaps in the area of student learning, moderate gaps in the area of Learning Conditions, and small gaps in the area of Elevating Educators.  Please click here to review specific information and data related to Lyons Township High School District 204’s complete Equity Journey Continuum rating.

In June, 2022, LTHS adopted a long-term, comprehensive strategic plan that will shape our efforts in the next several years.  Developed with engagement from the entire school community, the strategic plan process identified past performance, core values, needs, and future trajectory of the district. With a renewed mission centered on honoring our tradition of excellence, fostering innovation, and empowering all students, our strategic plan includes a district-wide commitment to equity, inclusion, and the vision that all students will graduate prepared for life, career, and college success. Our community’s strategic plan includes goals and aligned strategies in the areas of Student Growth and Achievement, Learning Environment and Supports, High Quality, Diversity Staff, Family and Community Partnerships, and Resource Effectiveness and Efficiencies.

The recently released  Illinois School Report Card and Equity Journey Continuum include data and information that is reflective of LT’s tradition of academic excellence and our desire to foster innovation and continuously improve in order to cultivate student empowerment toward a strong future.

On Monday, November 6, the Board of Education reviewed this information. Please visit the Board of Education webpage to view the recording.

“We are so proud of the continued work and effort made by all of our students and staff”

District 204 Superintendent Dr. Brian Waterman said.  “We are proud of the progress that we have made, but we also acknowledge that there is more work to do. We also know that we must continue to prioritize our efforts in creating a space where students not only perform academically, but also feel included and have a strong sense of belonging. And, we will continue to strive to be a school community that excels in excellence, innovation and empowerment.”