Business Services
The mission of the Business Services department of Lyons Township High School is to provide the highest quality of fiscal services and ensure that the financial resources of the District are utilized according to Board policies and best practices for school districts in the State of Illinois.
The duties carried out by its staff members encompass development and administration of the Fiscal Budget, financial reporting to the Board of Education on a monthly basis, managing cash for accounts payable, payroll, insurance, receivables, student activity and bookstore functions, and accomplishing the necessary internal controls and compliance reporting to external agencies, including the Illinois State Board of Education and the federal government. There are numerous, critical operational activities carried out and a substantial work load per staff member in the Business Services department. Two words describe the operational philosophy of the Business Services department: ‘service-oriented’ and ‘transparent’. Staff members routinely provide solutions and in-depth assistance to staff members employed by LTHS, and, with the exception of matters that are strictly confidential according to Board policy or state or federal law, the accounting and financial reporting practices are open to review by any member of the public. There is ample public trust placed in the operation of the Business Office, and its staff members work faithfully to meet the expectations of the taxpayers that provide financial support, and all of the various stakeholders in the success of LTHS.