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Groundwork for a Brighter Future


brian quote

Lyons Township HS District 204 is excited to embark on Groundwork for a Brighter Future, a multi-year journey to modernize our two campuses and enhance the learning environment for all of our future Lions. We understand that the quality of educational space is critical and has a direct impact on ensuring that our students graduate prepared for life, career, and college success. 

Groundwork for a Brighter Future reflects our District’s commitment to ensuring that our facilities support high-quality in-class learning and extracurricular activities that foster the academic, physical, social, and emotional growth and well-being of our students. This journey also aligns with Goal 5 of our community’s strategic plan to upgrade District facilities to support modernization of our classrooms and school to better meet the 21st Century learning needs of students and staff, including the development of additional collaborative spaces. 

Overall, we expect Groundwork for a Brighter Future to include two phases, with our initial Phase 1 projected to be a 3-year (2024-2026), approximately $40 million renovation to both campuses.  Phase I includes projects at both campuses; however, the primary focus for Summer 2024 includes projects at South Campus.  We are excited about the completion of renovated bathrooms, additional classroom air conditioning, and breaking of ground of what will be our new cafeteria and music spaces. We anticipate that North Campus projects included in Phase I will begin in Summer 2025.

While the planning for Phase II has not yet begun, the facilities and mechanical assessments and community input process has identified approximately $85-100 million worth of facilities improvements that will be necessary following the completion of Phase I in 2026.

On this web page, you will be able to learn more about Groundwork for a Brighter Future, including community engagement, information on each phase and project plans/renderings, projected costs, funding sources, and more. It is our hope that you find the web page informative, and that it allows you to follow along as we bring Groundwork for a Brighter Future plan to life. 

We also encourage our community to reach out with questions, clarification or input at any time by emailing us at

LTHS Facility plan graph

Planning and Input

From 2019-2021, District 204 began conducting a comprehensive facilities mechanical assessment to evaluate our current facilities.  This assessment was the result of building and site-walk-throughs by representatives of DLA Architects, Ltd and Berg Engineering Consultants.  The assessment was intended to identify building systems and assemblies, which over time, require repairs, maintenance, or replacement. The facility assessment became a living document that is reviewed on an annual basis, and is critical in maintaining high quality ,safe, educational environments.The assessment found that LT’s facilities are well cared for, clean and regularly maintained- a tribute to the District’s staff, students, and maintenance staff. Ultimately, the facility assessment completed from 2019-201 served as a stepping stone for repairs and maintenance at both campuses and completion of a variety of capital projects (A/C installation at South Campus, Roof Repairs at NC, etc.) during the summers of 2020-2023.  

While the facilities mechanical assessment is reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis, the District also completed a community engagement process in Fall 2022 in order to get stakeholder input regarding the current conditions of our facilities, as well as to help identify potential future facilities projects and priorities for both campuses. 

As a result of the community engagement process in Fall 2022 and the facilities and mechanical assessment completed from 2019-2021, the District identified the following broad objectives for future facilities projects:

  • Modernization of existing classrooms to meet 21st century learning needs.
  • Development of additional collaborative spaces for students and staff;
  • Accessibility and life safety upgrades;

  • Improvements and additions to student and community athletic and wellness facilities;

  • Upgrades to HVAC systems and further installation of air conditioning for improved temperature control 

Our goal was and continues to be to prioritize projects that will enhance and modernize the teaching and learning environment with new ways to use technology and spaces for collaboration, while also identifying critical maintenance and infrastructure needs to minimize long-term costs and potential damage to our facilities.

Planning Phases

Financial Information

LT Varsity Softball Field to be Improved and Named “Baker Field” in Honor of Alumna

Lyons Township High School is excited to announce the STACY ANN BAKER CHARITABLE FUND has graciously donated $2,000,000 to facilitate and enhance the educational and athletic opportunities for student athletes at LT. The funds will be used to pay the costs of modernizing the Girls’ Varsity Softball Field at South Campus, and the completed softball field will be named “Baker Field” in a formal ceremony to be held after completion of the improvements.

Read more or view renderings here.

For More Information

If you have any questions, please email us. 

A Look at the Future of LT

Construction Photos December 2024

South Campus construction
South Campus construction
South Campus construction
South Campus construction
South Campus construction


lion on wall
band class
band room
blue wall
outside building
pink sky
circle green grass
outside building
hardwood floor
round chairs

Materials Safety Information

Lyons Township High School, while working in collaboration with the District's architect (DLA, Ltd.) and the project contractor (Happ Builders, Inc.) are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy construction site. Virtually all materials specified on the project are either low or no VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) products unless otherwise unavailable for the type of product. In addition, both construction areas at South Campus (music and cafeteria) have mechanical systems that are isolated from the rest of the school, and all ductwork in the construction area has been sealed/capped to prevent dust and debris from infiltrating. This includes all adjacent classrooms, which utilize unit ventilators equipped with robust filters to prevent infiltration from the courtyard construction. Finally, the District's contractor, Happ Builders, maintains an OSHA-compliant site for all workers, which includes safe working conditions regarding air quality.

For information regarding Material Safety and Data Sheets (MSDS) related to the South Campus construction project, please see below. 

Mechanical and Facilities' Assessments

The three assessments started the process of evaluating our current facilities and what improvements would be ideal in the future.

The January 2023 Assessment included Paving Assessment Report, Roof Assessment Report, Mechanical and Electrical Report, Life Safety Report, Physical Security Report, Capital Projects Report. Sustainability and Wellness was taken into consideration as both are an ongoing priority of the District.

Executive Summary

Community Engagement 

Community engagement has been a critical part of this process.  With the help of many stakeholders, we were able to identify potential future facilities' projects and priorities for both campuses. 

Community Survey


District 204 is committed to improving our facilities using eco-friendly materials and building options.  Energy efficiency, conservation, and sustainability has been an important part of the planning process. 

See the drop down below for specific components included within the Phase I planning, as of December 2023.

BOE Actions

The District 204 Board of Education has had numerous discussions to date regarding this long term plan. Please refer to the Board Actions tabs below for a more in depth look at these discussions.