School Resources
- Counseling Services
- Social Work
- Student Support Teams
- School Resource Officer
- Bookstore
- Library Media Center
- Testing Center/Test Make Up Center
- ALOP (Alternative Learning Opportunities Program) DuPage
- Registrar & Transcripts
- Technology Center of DuPage
- Cafeteria Services
- Cafeteria Pre-Payments
- Work Permits
- Insurance
- Safety Drills
- AED and CPR Video
- Visitors
- Messages and Deliveries to Students
- Fee Waivers
- Free and Reduced-Price Breakfast/Lunch
- Sex Offender Notification Law
- Mandated Reporting
- Suicide Awareness and Prevention Policy
Counseling Services
District 204’s school counseling services are the foundation of a planned program of secondary education, encompassing all facets of college and career planning, academic decision-making, and personal-social development. Our Counseling & Student Support Division’s comprehensive services complement other quality educational programs within the school and provide further commitments to the intellectual, physical, social, cultural, career, and occupational development of the individual student as they move into our community and world. Students may make an appointment with their counselor via email or by stopping by the Student Services Office at their campus. You may also visit the School Counseling portion of Student Resources tab on the district’s website for additional information.
Board Policy 6:270 Guidance and School Counseling Program
School counselors are assigned to students by grade-level cohort and follow students throughout their four years at LTHS. Additionally, a College and Career Coordinator supports students throughout their four years. Through a combination of the developmentally-appropriate and successive group-guidance curriculum, as well as individual counseling appointments, the school counseling staff addresses the three major school counseling domains of academic development, postsecondary plan development, and personal/social development.
Throughout a student’s years at LTHS, the school counseling staff will:
Assist students to acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning throughout their lifespans
Assist students to complete school with academic preparation essential to choose from a wide range of postsecondary options
Assist students to understanding the relationship of academics to their future
Assist students to acquire the skills to investigate career choices in relationship to self-understanding and current career trends
Assist students to understand the relationship among personal qualities, educational and training opportunities, and careers
Assist students to learn decision-making strategies for future career choices
Assist students to acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect themselves and others
Assist students to make decisions, set goals, and take necessary action to achieve goals
Assist students to apply effective problem-solving and conflict resolution skills to make safe and healthy choices
LTHS uses SchooLinks as our college and career planning platform. SchooLinks at Lyons Township High School is accessible in 9th-12th grades by students and their parents.
Using SchooLinks, high school students and parents can:
Access career interest, strength and mindset surveys
Build their Four-Year academic course plan
Explore 2-year and 4-year colleges
Review their Four-Year Plan and update each year with their counselor
Create course plans based on career pathways
Take virtual reality college campus tours
Search for scholarships
Learn about financial aid
Find internship and volunteer opportunities
Explore traditional, emerging and military career fields
Track college applications and request transcripts
Request Letters of Recommendation
Students and guardians will receive separate log-ins to SchooLinks. Please contact your student’s counselor with any questions about how to access SchooLinks.
Social Work
The Social Work staff offer a variety of services to promote the social and emotional well-being of students. Depending on the needs of individual students, social workers may provide direct and/or consultative services and also work to facilitate collaboration between LTHS and community agencies/services. School Social Workers are assigned to students by grade-level cohort, with few exceptions for specialized programming, and follow students throughout their four years at LTHS.
School social workers may:
Assess and provide district-wide instruction and programs for preventative services
Evaluate students to determine the need for social work services and make recommendations as appropriate
Deliver individual and group social work services to all students based on need
Participate on problem-solving teams
Complete threat assessments and participate in crisis response
Consult and collaborate with school staff regarding student needs and intervention implementation
Serve as liaison between school, families, and community agencies/services
Collaborate with community agencies in planning and delivering intermediate and long-term support services
Student Support Teams
Student Intervention Teams meet weekly to identify and support students encountering difficulty in school.
- Each grade level has a team. Each team includes an Assistant Principal, School Social Worker, School Counselors, School Nurse, School Psychologist, and other support personnel.
- Purpose of the team:
- To identify students with unsatisfactory academic progress
- To identify students with disabilities impacting free and appropriate educational access
- To support, intervene, or offer outside resources for alcohol and substance use, social emotional issues, and mental illness
- To investigate referrals by parents, faculty, students, or team members.
School Resource Officer
The School Resource Officers in District 204 are members of the Western Springs Police Department for South Campus and the La Grange Police Department for North Campus. The SROs have been assigned to the respective schools for the purpose of assisting in the maintenance of a safe environment for all students and staff.
The School Resource Officer works in a proactive and professional manner with students, parents, guardians, and staff.
The bookstore is open on school days (Monday – Friday) with open times posted in the hallway at each campus for the following:
- Textbook rentals
- Workbooks and paperbacks
- PE clothes, supplies & gym bags
- Driver Ed books
- Classroom supplies (pens/pencils, folders, notebooks, & poster board)
The bookstore accepts cash, checks, Visa, Mastercard, & Discover for purchases only – no ATM cash services available.
Library Media Center
The Library Media Centers in District 204 are resource rich learning spaces. The certified librarians partner with classroom instructors to teach a full range of research, reading, technology and multimedia applications and programs. The libraries offer access to a variety of quality resources which support the curriculum and meet the diverse needs and interests of our school community in a vibrant learning environment. This includes 24/7 access to the online catalog for print and digital books as well as online research databases. Student IDs serve as library cards. Fines accrue for overdue materials. Students, and their parents/guardians, are responsible for any lost materials. Students are welcome to use library space and services before and after school as well as during their study hall and/or lunch period. Behavior expectations in the library are aligned with district policies.
Testing Center/Test Make Up Center
The Testing Center at each campus allows students to take make-up tests and quizzes only after they complete the registration form. Please visit the Testing Center webpage for their hours and registration requirements.
Testing Center conditions for use:
- LTHS current student photo identification is required
- Books, notes etc. are not allowed, unless stated on the test.
- Cell phones, backpacks, and other personal belongings are not allowed in the testing area.
- Food and beverages are not allowed in the testing area.
- Once a test is distributed, a student may not leave the testing center until the test is complete.
Understand the consequences of any incidents of cheating or plagiarism in the Testing Center as described in the instructor’s policy on academic dishonesty in the course syllabus. Any appearance of cheating or plagiarism may result in the loss of Testing Center privileges for the remainder of the semester for all courses.
ALOP (Alternative Learning Opportunities Program) DuPage
District 204 partners with West40, which is an Intermediate Service Center (ISC) that is funded by the State of Illinois and the 41 school districts served within West40. Currently, LTHS participates in West40’s Student Advocacy and ALOP opportunities, as well as with the Regional Safe School, other specialized support services, and professional development. Referrals for West40 supports and programming are made through the grade-level Student Support Teams. Please contact Mr. Drew Eder, Division Chair for School Counseling and Support Services if you have questions about eligibility at 708-579-6433 or
Registrar & Transcripts
The Office of the Registrar services includes student registration, withdrawals, transfers, and requests for high school transcripts. Other services provided by this office include verification of grades for insurance purposes, full-time student letters, graduation verification for employment purposes, social security forms completed upon request, and residency verification for all changes of address.
Technology Center of DuPage
The Technology Center of DuPage (TCD), located in Addison, specializes in preparing students for career fields such as science and technology occupations, health and human services, business opportunities, and more. TCD offers area high school juniors and seniors 20 career and technical education programs (CTE) as part of their high school curriculum. Its mission is to provide an educational environment that supports and encourages individual learning styles, develops occupational skills and professionalism, promotes academic growth, and assists students in discovering their potential. A number of TCD’s programs offer articulated credit with local colleges. Log onto for further information. Bus transportation is provided to students. Students will not be allowed to provide their own transportation to TCD.
Cafeteria Services
District 204 contracts with Sodexo to provide healthy, balanced menu items for all students.
North Campus Cafeteria:
- In addition to lunch services, the NC Cafeteria is open for student breakfast service daily from 7:15 – 7:40AM, except Late Arrival Wednesdays when breakfast is available from 8:40-9:10AM
South Campus Cafeteria:
- In addition to lunch services, the SC Cafeteria is open for student breakfast service daily from 7:20 – 7:40AM, except Late Arrival Wednesdays when breakfast is available from 8:40-9:10AM
Cafeteria Pre-Payments
All students have a cafeteria prepayment account. To add funds to the account, students may bring cash to the cafeteria or deposits may be made online with credit or debit cards through the Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal connection with the web store, hosted by Rev-Trak. Login to the Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal and select “More” and then “Online Payments” from the menu of options. Choose “Make One-Time Payment” or “Sign in to Set up Auto Replenish.” Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the transaction.”
Year End Balances: At year end, funds remaining in a student’s account will roll-over to the following school year.
For graduating seniors with accounts over $10, funds will be transferred to younger siblings or refunded after graduation.
Parents requesting a refund for a student leaving the district must send a written request, letter or email, to Kathy Moran in the Business Office (
No cash refunds will be issued to students through the cafeteria and checks will be mailed to parents in June. Seniors should spend balances of less than $10 since no refund will be issued for this amount or less.
Work Permits
The issuance of work permits by Lyons Township High School is a service we provide students under the age of sixteen who have been hired for employment. Procedures for obtaining work permits are determined by the Illinois Department of Labor. To apply for a work permit, Students/families must do the following:
- Obtain a letter (MUST BE ON LETTERHEAD) from your employer that is signed and dated, stating the type of work and approximate number of hours per week you will be working. Students under the age of 16 may not work more than 3 hours per day on a school day and 8 hours on either Saturday or Sunday. When there is a school holiday the student is permitted to work 8 hours on that day. NO STUDENT UNDER 16 MAY WORK BETWEEN 7:00pm and 7:00am FROM LABOR DAY UNTIL JUNE 1, OR BETWEEN 9:00pm AND 7:00am FROM LABOR DAY UNTIL JUNE 1, OR BETWEEN 9:00PM and 7:00am FROM JUNE 1 UNTIL LABOR DAY.
- Obtain a letter of permission from your parent or guardian. The letter must be signed and dated.
- Provide a birth certificate. (Students enrolled at Lyons Township High School do not need to provide this as we have one on file.)
- Obtain a CERTIFICATE OF PHYSICAL FITNESS from the South Campus Main Office or PRINT ONE HERE. This form needs to be completed by an MD, DO, APN or PA. Physical forms for work permits cannot be the physical that was provided at the beginning of the year during the enrollment process.
- Students/Families that are requesting work permits for child performers must provide additional documentation. These requirements can be found on the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WEBSITE.
Work permits will only be processed when all of the required documentation has been provided. Work permit documentation can be brought to the South Campus Office Monday through Friday between 8:00am and 3:00PM, excluding holidays and building closures.
The state of Illinois sends approved work permits to the School. Staff at Lyons Township high school will contact families to let them know they can pick up their work permit. Please allow a minimum of three business days for processing.
Questions regarding work permits can be directed to the South Campus Main Office at 708-579-6500.
The District annually procures student accident insurance to provide supplemental insurance on a case by case basis to families that have a student injured while participating in school sponsored and supervised activities on or off school premises. This includes activities during regular school hours, and clubs and athletics that are sponsored and supervised by the District. If you need to have a claim form issued, please contact the person who is in charge of the activity and give them all of the information related to the injury.
Safety Drills
Safety drills will occur at times established by the administration. Students are required to be silent and shall comply with the directives of school officials during emergency drills. There will be a minimum of three (3) evacuation drills to address and prepare students and school personnel for fire incidents (one of these three drills shall require the participation of the local fire department or district), a minimum of one (1) severe weather (shelter-in-place) drill to address and prepare students and school personnel for possible tornado incidents, a minimum of one (1) law enforcement drill to address a school shooting incident and to evaluate the preparedness of school personnel and students, and a minimum of one (1) bus evacuation drill each school year. There may be other drills at the direction of the administration. For additional information on the District’s Safety Drills, please see Board Policy 4:170 Safety.
AED and CPR Video
District 204 encourages parents and staff to view the cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillators training video posted on the Illinois High School Association’s website as required by Public Act 098-0305 which took effect in August 2013.
Visitors must adhere to Board Policy 8:30—Visitors to and Conduct on School Property.
All visitors should park in the marked Visitor Parking spots at North Campus and South Campus.
All school visitors must comply at all times with Board of Education policies, administrative rules and school regulations.
Visitors must schedule an appointment with the person(s) they wish to see in advance. At the discretion of the administration, such prior authorization may be waived. Visitors wishing to conference with teachers or administrators during the course of the school day must make arrangements in advance. Visitors are required to proceed immediately to their location in a quiet manner.
LT does not allow “drop-in” visitors, including LT alumni. LT graduates wishing to visit their former teachers may do so by making an appointment.
Visits to the building may be prohibited at certain times, such as during safety drills or while standardized assessments are being conducted.
All visitors must enter through the main entrance and present a valid, government-issued photo ID. Visitors will be required to leave their ID at the desk and will receive a red visitor lanyard and an ID sticker/badge that must be visibly displayed and worn at all times. At the conclusion of the visit, the visitor must stop by the front desk to retrieve their ID and return the visitor lanyard. Visitors with an appointment, including, but not limited to, parents, alumni and siblings are required to enter through the front door of the building and proceed immediately to the main office or check-in desk. Visitors should present a valid state-issued ID and inform office personnel of their reason for being at school.
Students attending LTHS may not bring guests to school during the school day.
LT students who attend off-campus sites must get prior approval from their grade-level Assistant Principal before they come to campus. The Assistant Principal will notify the front desk of the student’s name, date and time of visit, and where in the building the student will be. Students not following this procedure are subject to trespassing sanctions.
Shadowing must be pre-approved by the Assistant Principal. Shadowing is defined as a current LT student wishing to bring a guest to school for the purposes of experiencing a day at LT. Requests for a shadow experience must be made at least 72 hours in advance. Consideration for such a request will be reserved for potential guests who live outside of a 50 mile radius from the school. Host students must be in “good standing” as determined by an administrator.
Exceptions to Visitor Requirements. Parents/guardians or LTHS community members who have been invited to visit LTHS as part of a scheduled open house, special event, scheduled performance by a class, team or group, or other adult participants in organized and school-approved activities during off-school hours, are exempt from all but Convicted Child Sex Offender requirements.
- Convicted child sex offenders are not permitted on the campus unless certain conditions exist and they have received prior approval from school officials. LTHS reserves the right to deny any individual the right to visit. All volunteers must be screened upon entering the building.
- Classrooms and other instructional areas are the most vulnerable to disruption. Therefore, access to classrooms or other instructional areas of the school may be restricted upon the recommendation of the teacher or as otherwise deemed necessary by the administration.
- The administration has the authority to exclude from the school premises any person who disrupts or who appears likely to become a disruption to the educational program. Any such individual shall be directed to leave the school premises immediately and law enforcement authorities shall be called if necessary.
Messages and Deliveries to Students
In order to avoid disruption to the educational process, telephone messages will not be delivered to students to remind them of doctor/dental appointments, pick-up times/places, and other non-emergency messages. District staff will not accept deliveries for food or other items from outside vendors (DoorDash, GrubHub, UberEats, etc., or restaurants). Items such as gifts (flowers, balloons, etc.) will not be accepted. Messages from custodial parents in the case of emergency will be permitted.
Fee Waivers
Families facing financial difficulties who need assistance may apply for a fee waiver. For more information on fee waivers, including eligibility and the application process please use this link (English) or this link (En Español) or contact:
South Campus Assistant Principals’ Office – 708-579-6528
North Campus Assistant Principals’ Office – 708-354-4700
Free and Reduced-Price Breakfast/Lunch
Sex Offender Notification Law
State law prohibits a convicted child sex offender from being present on school property or loitering within 500 feet of school property when children under the age of 18 are present, unless the offender meets either of the following two exceptions.
- The offender is a parent/guardian of a student attending the school and has notified the Building Principal of his or her presence at the school for the purpose of: (i) attending a conference with school personnel to discuss the progress of his or her child academically or socially, (ii)participating in child review conferences in which evaluation and placement decisions may be made with respect to his or her child regarding special education services, or (iii) attending conferences to discuss other student issues concerning his or her child such as retention and promotion; or
- The offender received permission to be present from the Board of Education, Superintendent, or Superintendent’s designee. If permission is granted, the Superintendent or Board President shall provide the details of the offender's upcoming visit to the Building Principal.
If the child sex offender is permitted to be near or on school property, the offender must notify the Principal’s Office immediately upon arrival on school property and upon departure from school property. A designated school official will supervise the child sex offender at all times the offender is in a child’s vicinity. It is the responsibility of the offender to remain under the direct supervision of the school official.
Information regarding sex offenders is available to the public pursuant to the Sex Offender Community Notification Law. For additional information, refer to: Board Policy 4:175 Convicted Child Sex Offender; Screening; Notifications.
Mandated Reporting
Student safety is of paramount importance to the District 204 Board of Education, administration, faculty, and staff. As mandated reporters, District employees must report suspected child maltreatment immediately to the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) when they have reasonable cause to believe that a child known to them in their professional or official capacity may be an abused or neglected child. Child abuse is the maltreatment of a child under the age of 18, which can be physical, sexual, or emotional, including by a parent/guardian or an adult in the role of caretaker. Child neglect includes the failure to provide adequate supervision, food, clothing, shelter, medical treatment, or other basics for a child, as well as abandonment without a proper plan of care. The following procedures have been established to protect the safety and well-being of our students.
Student Responsibilities - When a child believes that they have been victimized, they should immediately seek the help of an adult whom they trust, such as a teacher, counselor, social worker, parent/guardian, Assistant Principal, School Resource Officer, or a building administrator. Students who are aware that a peer has been abused or neglected also are encouraged to forward information to a trusted adult. If the student does not feel there is an adult they can trust, they should immediately call the abuse hotline number listed below.
Staff Responsibilities – Any District employee who suspects or receives knowledge that a student may be an abused or neglected child or, for a student aged 18 through 21, an abused or neglected individual with a disability, must notify DCFS via the child abuse hotline. District employees receive training regarding this responsibility.
For additional information, please refer to Board Policy 5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting.
─ DCFS Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-25-ABUSE (22873) or 1-800-358-5117 (TTY) ─
Suicide Awareness and Prevention Policy
7:290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention
Youth suicide impacts the safety of the school environment. It also affects the school community, diminishing the ability of surviving students to learn and the school's ability to educate. Suicide and depression awareness and prevention are important Board goals.
Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Program
The Superintendent or designee shall develop, implement, and maintain a suicide and depression awareness and prevention program (Program) that advances the Board's goals of increasing awareness and prevention of depression and suicide. This program must be consistent with the requirements of Ann Marie's Law listed below; each listed requirement, 1-6, corresponds with the list of required policy components in the School Code Section 5/2-3.166(c)(2)-(7). The Program shall include:
- Protocols for administering youth suicide awareness and prevention education to students and staff.
- For students, implementation will incorporate Board policy 6:60, Curriculum Content, which implements 105 ILCS 5/2-3.139 and 105 ILCS 5/27-7 (requiring education for students to develop a sound mind and a healthy body).
- For staff, implementation will incorporate Board policy 5:100, Staff Development Program, and teacher's institutes under 105 ILCS 5/3-14.8 (requiring coverage of the warning signs of suicidal behavior).
- Procedures for methods of suicide prevention with the goal of early identification and referral of students possibly at risk of suicide. Implementation will incorporate:
- The training required by 105 ILCS 5/10-22.39 for licensed school personnel and administrators who work with students to identify the warning signs of suicidal behavior in youth along with appropriate intervention and referral techniques, including methods of prevention, procedures for early identification, and referral of students at risk of suicide; and
- Ill. State Board of Education (ISBE)-recommended guidelines and educational materials for staff training and professional development, along with ISBE-recommended resources for students containing age-appropriate educational materials on youth suicide and awareness, if available pursuant to Ann Marie’s Law on ISBE’s website.
- Methods of intervention, including procedures that address an emotional or mental health safety plan for use during the school day and at school-sponsored events for a student identified as being at increased risk of suicide including those students who: (A) suffer from a mental health disorder; (B) suffer from a substance abuse disorder; (C) engage in self-harm or have previously attempted suicide; (D) reside in an out-of-home placement; (E) are experiencing homelessness; (F) are identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or identify as (LGBTQ); (G) are bereaved by suicide; or (H) have a medical condition or certain types of disabilities. Implementation will incorporate paragraph number 2, above, along with Board policies:
- 6:65, Student Social and Emotional Development, implementing the goals and benchmarks of the Ill. Learning Standards and 405 ILCS 49/15(b) (requiring student social and emotional development in the District’s educational program);
- 6:120, Education of Children with Disabilities, implementing special education requirements for the District; 7:290 7:290 1 of 3
- 6:140, Education of Homeless Children, implementing provision of District services to students who are homeless;
- 6:270, Guidance and Counseling Program, implementing guidance and counseling program(s) for students, and 105 ILCS 5/10-22.24a and 22.24b, which allow a qualified guidance specialist or any licensed staff member to provide school counseling services;
- 7:10, Equal Educational Opportunities, and its implementing administrative procedure and exhibit, implementing supports for equal educational opportunities for students who are LGBTQ;
- 7:50, School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools, implementing State law requirements related to students who are in foster care;
- 7:250, Student Support Services, implementing the Children’s Mental Health Act, 405 ILCS 49/ (requiring protocols for responding to students with social, emotional, or mental health issues that impact learning ability); and
- State and/or federal resources that address emotional or mental health safety plans for students who are possibly at an increased risk for suicide, if available on the ISBE’s website pursuant to Ann Marie’s Law.
- Methods of responding to a student or staff suicide or suicide attempt. Implementation of this requirement shall incorporate building-level Student Support Committee(s) established through Board policy 7:250, Student Support Services.
- Reporting procedures. Implementation of this requirement shall incorporate Board policy 6:270, Guidance and Counseling Program, and Board policy 7:250, Student Support Services, in addition to other State and/or federal resources that address reporting procedures.
- A process to incorporate ISBE-recommended resources on youth suicide awareness and prevention programs, including current contact information for such programs in the District's Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Program.
Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Planning Committee
The Superintendent or designee shall attempt to develop a relationship between the District and the Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Planning Committee, the Illinois Suicide Prevention Coalition Alliance, and/or a community mental health agency. The purpose of the relationship is to discuss how to incorporate the goals and objectives of the Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan into the District's Suicide Prevention and Depression Awareness Program.
The Board will review and update this policy pursuant to Ann Marie's Law and Board policy 2:240, Board Policy Development.
Information to Staff, Parents/Guardians, and Students
The Superintendent shall inform each school district employee about this policy and ensure its posting on the District's website. The Superintendent or designee shall provide a copy of this policy to the parent or legal guardian of each student enrolled in the District. Student identification (ID) cards, the District’s website, and student handbooks and planners will contain the support information as required by State law.
This policy shall be implemented in a manner consistent with State and federal laws, including the Student Confidential Reporting Act, 5 ILCS 860/, Children’s Mental Health Act, 405 ILCS 49/, Mental 7:290 7:290 2 of 3 Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act, 740 ILCS 110/, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq.
The District, Board, and its staff are protected from liability by the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act. Services provided pursuant to this policy: (1) do not replace the care of a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches or a licensed medical practitioner or professional trained in suicide prevention, assessments and counseling services, (2) are strictly limited to the available resources within the District, (3) do not extend beyond the school day and/or school-sponsored events, and (4) cannot guarantee or ensure the safety of a student or the student body.
42 U.S.C. § 1201 et seq. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
105 ILCS 5/2-3.166, 105 ILCS 5/2-3.139, 5/3-14.8, 5/10-20.76, 5/10-20.81, 5/10-22.24a, 5/10- 22.24b, 5/10-22.39, 5/14-1.01 et seq., 5/14-7.02, and 5/14-7.02b, 5/27-7.
5 ILCS 860/, Student Confidential Reporting Act.
405 ILCS 49/, Children’s Mental Health Act.
740 ILCS 110/, Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act.
745 ILCS 10/, Local Governmental and Governmental Tort Immunity Act.
CROSS REF.: 2:240 (Board Policy Development), 5:100 (Staff Development Program), 6:60 (Curriculum Content), 6:65 (Student Social and Emotional Development), 6:120 (Education of Children with Disabilities), 6:270 (Guidance and Counseling Program), 7:180 (Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment), 7:250 (Student Support Services)
Adopted: February 20, 2024
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741 to connect to a crisis counselor National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988; 988
Safe2Help Illinois Helpline: 844-4-SAFEIL (723345); Text SAFE2 (72332);; or Download App