Bus Transportation
The District shall provide free transportation for any student who resides: one and one-half miles or more from his or her assigned school where walking to school or to a pick-up point or bus stop would constitute a serious hazard due to vehicular traffic or rail crossing, and adequate public transportation is not available. The school may provide transportation for other students residing within one and one-half miles from their assigned school. Write a letter of request at the beginning of the school year to the South Campus Associate Principal, include the student’s name, ID #, and their year in school, address and phone number. Parents must, at the beginning of the school year, select one bus stop at which a student is to be picked up, and one stop at which a student is to be dropped off. Students are not permitted to ride a bus other than the bus to which they are assigned. Exceptions must be approved in advance by the building administration.
While students are on the bus, they are under the supervision of the bus driver. In most cases, bus discipline problems can be handled by the bus driver. In the case of a written disciplinary referral, student bus problems will be investigated and handled by the building principal.
Students are expected to follow all school rules while on the bus (see Board Policy 7:190—Student Behavior; 7:220—Bus Conduct). Students may be suspended from riding the school bus for up to 10 consecutive school days for violating school rules or for engaging in other gross disobedience or misconduct. The school board may suspend the student from riding the school bus for a period in excess of 10 days for safety reasons pursuant to 7:220—Bus Conduct. The district’s regular suspension procedures shall be used to suspend a student’s privilege to ride a school bus (see Board Policy 7:200—Suspension Procedures).
In the interest of the student’s safety and in compliance with State law, students are also expected to observe the following:
Dress properly for the weather. Make sure all drawstrings, ties, straps, etc. on all clothing, backpacks and other items, are shortened or removed to lessen the likelihood of them getting caught in bus doors, railings or aisles.
Arrive on time at the bus stop, and stay away from the street while waiting for the bus.
Stay away from the bus until it stops completely and the driver signals you to board. Enter in a single file without pushing. Always use the handrail.
Take a seat right away and remain seated facing forward. Keep your hands, arms, and head inside the bus.
Talk quietly on the bus. No shouting or creating loud noises that may distract the driver. Tablets, iPads®, smart phones, and other electronic devices must be silenced on the bus unless a student uses headphones.
Help keep the bus neat and clean. Keep belongings out of the aisle and away from emergency exits. Eating and drinking are not allowed on the bus.
Always listen to the driver’s instructions. Be courteous to the driver and other students. Sit with your hands to yourself and avoid making noises that would distract the driver or bother other passengers. Remain seated, keeping your hands, arms, and head inside the bus at all times.
Wait until the bus pulls to a complete stop before standing up. Use the handrail when exiting the bus.
Stay out of the danger zone next to the bus where the driver may have difficulty seeing you. Walk away from the bus and out of the danger zone, until you can see the driver and the driver sees you. Never crawl under a bus.
If you must cross the street after you get off the bus, wait for the driver’s signal and then cross in front of the bus. Cross the street only after checking both ways for traffic.
Never run back to the bus, even if you dropped or forgot something.
Video and audio cameras may be active on buses to record student conduct and may be used for the purposes of investigation into misconduct or accidents on the bus.
For questions regarding bus transportation issues, contact:
Mr. Greg Gardner, South Campus Associate Principal
Personal Vehicles
Parking – There are a limited number of available student parking spaces at each campus. Please consult the Assistant Principals page on the website for current parking information.
School officials may search and temporarily seize property such as, but not limited to, gym bags, backpacks, purses, lockers, electronic devices while on school property. This includes automobiles in the LT parking lot. (see Board Policy 7:140—Search and Seizure)