Students in grades 11 and 12 may request waivers from PE under the following guidelines.
- At the time of application for a PE waiver, each student must be up-to-date in PE credits. Each request for exemption from PE will be verified and eligibility determined on a case-by-case basis by school staff in accordance with established administrative guidelines. Every student excused from PE will be provided with a full day (periods 1-8) schedule at LTHS without a study hall.
A. A senior may request an exemption from PE to take an academic class required for admission to a specific institution by following these procedures.
- The student must have appropriate credentials (grades and test scores) to qualify for admission to the requested school.
- The student must have a full day schedule at LTHS (periods 1-8) without a study hall.
- Other elective classes not required for graduation nor admission to a specific institution must be dropped to provide room for the required classes before a PE waiver will be considered.
- The student must verify that the course is required for admission by submitting a letter and the institution catalog requirement statement, and the student must appear to be otherwise admissible to that college/university in the judgment of LT staff.
- A student requesting a waiver, in this case, will be asked to complete the waiver request form available HERE. The request should be submitted to the class counselor and will be reviewed by the class counselor and division chair of Physical Welfare and acted upon by the principal.
- Under this exemption, any student dropping or losing any class during his/her school day will necessitate an immediate return to PE.
B. A senior may request an exemption from PE in order to meet graduation requirements, except the PE requirement, by following these procedures within established deadlines for schedule changes.
- The student will submit to the counselor a request for a PE waiver found HERE with a well-defined need and a plan clearly outlined to complete graduation requirements.
a. Well-defined need shall be interpreted as students who are, as a result of a class failure, behind in obtaining credits toward graduation.
b. Other options, including summer school and extension courses, must be a part of the plan.
c. The plan must provide that the student will be eligible to graduate with his/her class or by the summer school session immediately following his/her class’ graduation.
- The student must plan a full schedule at LTHS (periods 1-8) without a study hall.
- Other elective classes not needed for meeting minimum graduation credits must be dropped to provide room for the required classes before a PE waiver will be considered.
- The student, except for a transfer student, must have all the PE credits required for his/her status (i.e., an entering junior must have earned 1-1/2 credits of PE and 1/2 credit of Health). Fifth-year students who have met PE requirements are not required to enroll in PE. A previously granted waiver will count toward the PE graduation requirement.
- Students requesting waivers in this case will be asked to complete the waiver request form available from the class counselor. The request will be reviewed by the class counselor and division chair of PE and acted upon by the principal.
- Under this exemption, any student dropping or losing any class during the school day will necessitate an immediate return to PE.
C. A junior or senior, who participates in an interscholastic (IHSA) athletic program or Marching Band (School Code of Illinois does not include performing groups or club sports), may request a waiver from PE to move into Athletic Study Hall.
Junior and senior athletes involved in regular interscholastic competition will be offered the option of electing a study hall in lieu of their PE classes (seasonal PE waiver) ONLY during the season of athletic participation. To be eligible for this option, students will register for and report to their assigned PE classes. All students will receive a grade for PE regardless of their time in Athletic Study Hall. The student must have a full schedule (periods 1-8) without a study hall.
All students who "opt in" to Athletic Study Hall will receive a grade at the end of the semester for their time in PE regardless of duration. It will be important for all athletes to meet the expectations related to engagement, coursework, and any assessments that occur during their time in class.