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Physical Education

The philosophy of the Physical Education and Health Department is to fulfill the Mission Statement of Lyons Township High School which charges that our work will

“...foster the full intellectual, physical, moral, and aesthetic growth of each student.”

The four year required base of study will use a broad variety of activities that will emphasize the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and acquisition of skills that will be valuable beyond the school setting. These include:

  • the development and maintenance of personal fitness;
  • the acquisition of health related knowledge, growth and development, the structure and function of body systems, illness prevention, and safety;
  • the development of various movement concepts and the refinement of related motor skills;
  • the exposure to life long sport and fitness activities;
  • the acquisition of physical competency and the knowledge of the rules and strategies of individual and team sports as well as recreational activities; and
  • the development of interpersonal skills necessary for successful living.

The far-reaching nature of our discipline requires us to include aspects of each of the three educational domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective.

24-25 Physical Welfare
Academic Program Guide

25-26 Physical Welfare
Academic Program Guide


For More Information

North Campus PE/Health:

South Campus PE/Health:
Kurt Johns
Division Chair
Susan Murphy
Assistant Division Chair
Terrie Welge
Administrative Assistant 

Physical Welfare Division Mission Statement

The LT Physical Education and Health Department’s mission is to develop students who possess the information, skills, and the desire to keep themselves physically, socially, and emotionally healthy for their lifetime.

Class Resources
