Program Components
Schedules are based on individual student needs and goals which match student ability; the program’s timetable does not align with the school’s bell schedule. Individuals are engaged in a variety of skill-building and other enrichment activities including, but not limited to, life skills, community based-based vocational training, transportation training and recreation/leisure activities. Click here to view some examples.
Student schedules include:
- Recreation / Leisure / Volunteer: 1x / week*
- Fitness: 2x / week*
- Independent Living: 1x / week*
- Transportation Training: 1x / week*
- Work Training: 2 hrs / day, 4-5x / week
- Reading and Math Instruction: 1-2x / week*
- Vocational Skills Instruction: 1x / week*
- 1.2.Connect (LADSE Work Skills Class)
- Interviewing, resumes, job search, career surveys, portfolios
* These components are typical—may vary by student/IEP
Within the Transition Program’s Independent Living class, students will learn the following skills:
- Cooking (reading recipes, using a stove and microwave oven, safety skills, measuring tools, grocery shopping, etc.)
- Chores (dusting, floors, laundry, depositing checks, gardening, etc.)
- Problem-solving within the home
- Social skills (friendships, dating/relationships, hygiene, conflict resolution, etc.)
Training focuses on public transportation travel skills so the student can learn to independently access the community. Lessons include safety instruction and trip planning, which are reinforced with authentic experiences on CTA, Metra and PACE. Additionally, staff assists students through the application process for the PACE Transit Card Program, which allows many adults with disabilities to receive a lifetime free-fare card through the State of Illinois.
While direct support is not available, staff can build in time during a student’s schedule to independently work on course assignments. Staff can assist students in making the connection to their school’s center for access and accommodations. Travel training with minimal initial support is also offered.