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LT Grading Practices

Consistent grading practices ensure that a grade communicates a student’s level of achievement toward identified learning objectives at a point in time. This means:

Common Grading Practices at LTHS (Including Fall 2024 Changes):

  • A common syllabus is used by all teachers of the same course.

  • A common gradebook is used by all teachers of the same course.

  • Coursework is included in semester grades and accounts for no more than 10% of the final grade.

  • “M” grades are used to indicate missing work in the Infinite Campus gradebook.

  • Attendance is excluded from the academic grade.

  • Students receive individual grades for work completed in groups. Group grades are not applied.

  • Extra credit is not given.

  • In all courses, assessments of the learning objectives counted as part of the achievement grade can be retaken or revised without penalty or restrictions on the grade.

    • Students are required to turn in summative work on time. If a student fails to turn in a summative assessment on the date it is due without a valid excuse or excused absence, the student will not have an opportunity to retake or revise the summative assessment.

    • Students are required to submit the majority of their coursework prior to the initial summative to be eligible for a retake/revision.

    • There is a two-week window to submit summative missing work before the grade turns into a zero. Teachers will record a grade of Missing (M=0) until the work is turned in. 

    • Students are required to submit the majority of their coursework prior to the initial summative to be eligible for a retake/revision.

    • Course teams may choose to limit students to one retake/revision per summative assessment.

    • Course teams may choose to limit the amount of retakes/revisions to a number that is equal to 50 percent of the total number of summative assessments eligible for retakes administered during the semester.


  • Course Teams will choose one of four options for final exam experiences.

    • A Cumulative Final Exam

    • A Final (Last) Summative Exam

    • A Final Project or Performance

    • An Opportunity to Retake, Revise or Reflect on the Work from the Semester

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