LT Grading Practices
Consistent grading practices ensure that a grade communicates a student’s level of achievement toward identified learning objectives at a point in time. This means:
Common Grading Practices at LTHS (Including Fall 2024 Changes):
A common syllabus is used by all teachers of the same course.
A common gradebook is used by all teachers of the same course.
Coursework is included in semester grades and accounts for no more than 10% of the final grade.
“M” grades are used to indicate missing work in the Infinite Campus gradebook.
Attendance is excluded from the academic grade.
Students receive individual grades for work completed in groups. Group grades are not applied.
Extra credit is not given.
In all courses, assessments of the learning objectives counted as part of the achievement grade can be retaken or revised without penalty or restrictions on the grade.
Students are required to turn in summative work on time. If a student fails to turn in a summative assessment on the date it is due without a valid excuse or excused absence, the student will not have an opportunity to retake or revise the summative assessment.
Students are required to submit the majority of their coursework prior to the initial summative to be eligible for a retake/revision.
There is a two-week window to submit summative missing work before the grade turns into a zero. Teachers will record a grade of Missing (M=0) until the work is turned in.
Students are required to submit the majority of their coursework prior to the initial summative to be eligible for a retake/revision.
Course teams may choose to limit students to one retake/revision per summative assessment.
Course teams may choose to limit the amount of retakes/revisions to a number that is equal to 50 percent of the total number of summative assessments eligible for retakes administered during the semester.
Course Teams will choose one of four options for final exam experiences.
A Cumulative Final Exam
A Final (Last) Summative Exam
A Final Project or Performance
An Opportunity to Retake, Revise or Reflect on the Work from the Semester