Jazz Band
Current Students
Club description
The jazz program at Lyons Township High School consists of 3 jazz bands: Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Lab Band and Jazz Band. The Jazz Ensemble is an auditioned band open to juniors and seniors. The band has played with guest artists: Mark Colby, Doug Stone, Tom Garling, Neal Alger and Tito Carrillo. The Jazz Ensemble has also been part of special performances and clinics with the Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra and the Northern Illinois University Jazz Ensemble. All members of the Jazz Ensemble perform in a combo setting in addition to the big band. The Jazz Lab Band and Jazz Band are both extracurricular activities which meet after school twice a week beginning in October. The jazz bands are directed by Mark Dahl and Paul Meiste.
For More Information
Jazz Band: Paul Meiste, Director
Jazz Lab Band: Mark Dahl, Director