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About the LTHS Choral Program

Vocal Music at Lyons Township High School offers an ensemble experience for singers at every level, including seven choir classes and two Vocal Techniques classes. North Campus choir classes are accelerated level courses; South Campus choir classes are prep level courses. The course fulfills the creative arts credit required for graduation. To view course offerings, click here
Over the course of the year, choirs will perform individually and en masse with the entire program, joined by a variety of instruments. Guest clinicians, attending professional concerts, and exchanges with choirs from other schools are a regular part of choral activities.

LTHS Choirs have recently toured New York and Boston (2014), San Francisco (2012) and Canada (2010), with smaller tours to colleges and high schools in the Midwest on opposite years.

Few classes require students to contribute to a community as a musical ensemble does, particularly with the longevity of a year-long course. Choir students are challenged to make a difference in their group, as well as improve their own skills on a daily basis. Both large and small ensembles provide a vital experience. Over the course of four years, students will work alongside a wonderfully diverse group of people and make many friends.

All sophomores-seniors are encouraged to prepare for the Illinois Music Educators’ Association Festival audition, held in October. Students hone their skills in sightreading, scales and triads, and learn their vocal part for 5 songs. Top auditionees will be selected for the District I Festival Choir in November, and from those, select juniors and seniors will be selected for the All-State or Honors All-State Festival Choirs in January. Lyons Township High School has traditionally sent a high number of students to the All-State Festival; within the last 26 years, LT sent more choral students than any other school in the state.

All students are encouraged to participate in the LTHS Vocal Solo and Ensemble Festival in March. Students begin preparing in January to perform a solo or small ensemble (duet, quartet, etc.) for one of five clinicians. Students receive immediate feedback and gain valuable performing experience.

Students enrolled in curricular choir may audition for Sophomore Madrigal Singers or Junior Madrigal Singers in early fall, or for Senior Madrigal Singers in early spring (for junior students enrolled in choir the following year). These chamber groups (16-20 singers) learn and perform music appropriate for the small ensemble.

The LTHS Choral Program is known state-wide for excellence in music and in performance. Students join for many reasons; they find a deep enjoyment of singing and in sharing music with others.