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In the D&D Club, the leadership roles are defined within 4 departments: World Building, Training, Events, and Communications.

For each department, there will be a Director and an Assistant Director.

World Building:  these students work with the club advisor to coordinate each of the sectors created by our student DMs in order to maintain a cohesive world for all of the campaigns to take place in.  These student leaders also mentor the newer DMs in how to create their sector (their specific region in our world map), and run workshops for creating maps (we usually use Inkarnate, but some students prefer to hand-draw their maps or use Photoshop).

Training: these student leaders coordinate with the advisor on training new DMs and players.  We run workshops together, teaching new DMs how to handle proficiency checks, combat encounters, adjudicating spell use, choosing appropriate monsters to challenge the level of the party, determining an appropriate amount of treasure, and most of all creating an effective storyline for an adventure.

Events: these student leaders work with the club advisor when we have special training, character creation workshops, or our special monthly Saturday gaming events (a 6-hour block from 4-10 pm), which is in addition to our weekly meetings after school from 3-5 pm.  These leaders also work with the advisor to help plan and coordinate for our annual convention, Lyon Con, which takes place in February.

Communications: these student leaders coordinate with the advisor to create materials for our club and publicize our club.  This includes designing fliers and posters for posting in school and in our community, creating content to post on our social media, sending out important information on our Discord channel and email list, and supervising our zine, "The Manticore".