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LTHS Theatre Board Courses

Note: There are no prerequisites to any of these courses!!

Theatre: Acting
½-Creative Arts (CR/NC)
Level: III (Fall)
Grade Offered: 10, 11, 12
This beginning acting course provides student opportunities for learning the basic techniques and skills of dramatic and comic performance. Theatre-games and exercises, monologues, duet scenes and reader’s theatre are taught. Performances for school and community audiences occur during the second nine weeks of the course. A second semester’s work may be taken for credit.

Theatre: Improvisation and Mime
½-Creative Arts (CR/NC)
Level: III (Spring)
Grade Offered: 11, 12
The first half of the course concentrates on mime. Students learn pantomime techniques and scenario development while performing individual mimes, mimes to music, and duet mimes. Movement is then combined with improvisational acting techniques (acting without a script), all of which culminate in performance opportunities for school and community groups.

Theatre I: Introduction to Theatre
Credit: ½-Creative Arts (CR/NC)
Level: III (Fall and Spring)
Grade Offered: 9, 10
This survey course introduces students to performance and history. Students will study varying aspects of theatre history from the ancient Greeks to the origins of Western Drama and the Modern Masters. Students are assessed through written work and performances which may include monologues, scene work, and short one-act plays.

Theatre: Playwriting
½-Creative Arts (CR/NC)
Level: III/IV (Fall and Spring)
Grade Offered: 11, 12
This course is designed to familiarize students with the collaborative process of playwriting for the theatre. Students will gain experience in the writing of monologues and scenes, the structuring of comedic and dramatic material, and the function of rewrites in the rehearsal process. Students will also read published plays. The final product will be an original short play. Selected plays may be produced for public performance.

Theatre: Stage Tech 
Credit: ½* (cr/nc) (dc) 
Level: III (Fall and Spring)
Grade Offered: 9, 10,11, 12
This is a one-semester course which covers the whole gamut of Theatre Technology: Set, lighting, props and sound. It includes: building, rigging and painting of scenery; properties construction; sound design and operation; and lighting design and programming. These will be covered for plays produced by LT in the Reber Center. A section will be offered at South Campus in similar practice for productions in the Performing Arts Center, but will cover different systems of operation. A second semester’s work may be taken for credit at any grade level.