Lyons Township Alumni Association
Welcome fellow Lyons Township graduates to your LT Alumni Association website.
This website is THE information resource for the over 73,000 (as of the year 2024) alum who have graduated from LT since its inception in the year 1888. As you fully explore this site, you can discover information ranging from the LT Yearbook of 1903 to today’s Alumni news and events on our official Facebook page.
The Lyons Township Alumni Association is a not-for-profit organization run by up to fifteen volunteer LT alum board members and the LT staff members of the Lyons Township Community Relations Department. Our constitution states our purpose: “To foster communications, connections, and contacts among alumni and to cultivate a spirit of support, loyalty and friendship among the LT Alumni and the entire Lyons Township High School community.” This website and our other social network tools and printed materials are all geared toward accomplishing our objectives and bringing our worldwide graduates back home to LT.
Use your site to Remember, Discover and Share….
*Every LT Yearbook/Tabulae dating back to 1903 is viewable by simply punching the “Yearbooks” button.
*The Facebook tab will hyperlink you to the official FACEBOOK page of the Alumni Association where you will find historical “remember the past” type of entries but also today’s news and events.
*Class Connections tab will show you the contact info for your graduating class leaders/homecoming organizers as available
*Reunions tab will provide a list of all the current year’s Reunion information by class as made available by your graduating class reunion committees.
*Find a Classmate (simply input your graduating year) will provide you with a list of your classmates who have given permission to have their names and emails listed on this site.
*Hall of Fame is a great site that lists ALL the inducted members' biographies of the Lyons Township Hall of Fame with members dating back to the Class of 1907!
*Wall of Honor: LT Veterans recognizes LT graduates who served in the military and have some interesting history of LT activities pertaining to the military over the years. You can also send updates if you or your military veteran are not listed on the site yet.
*Transcripts and/or Immunizations Requests gives you an easy way to request such records.
*SHARE The most important category! Without the sharing, these pages and the Alumni Association database would be blank!
*Update Your Alumni Information is the site to input original or updated profile/contact information on YOU! This information allows future homecoming committees and classmates to easily find you and for the Alumni Association to send you newsletters and other information as the years pass. The Alumni Association maintains a complete database of all past graduates that is only as good as the information you provide!
*Submit an Alumni Note is where you’d input information about you that you’d like published in our newsletter, such as marriage, children, awards, graduations, memberships, accomplishments, and any other lifetime events.
*The Membership and Revtrak/Online Payments tabs should theoretically be listed first as an alumni association with no members or financial support would not exist. They are listed last here to remind all alum that we accomplish all the above activities only with your participation. You can join and support the Alumni Association infrastructure, LT Student Scholarships, and LT alumni capital and education initiatives through these tabs. Any gift, bequest and support is appreciated!
If you need to contact us on anything alumni related, just email us at:
ALUMNI@LTHS.NET for the LT Alumni office or
Go Lions…Past, Present and Future!
Jay Cozza, President
Lyons Township Alumni Association
847-525-1651 cell phone
homecoming 2025
save the date!
Saturday, September 20, 2025
Apply now or learn moreWe want to hear from you. Update your information and stay in touch with LT and your classmates. Contact the Alumni Association at