General Agenda Information
Board of Education Meeting Agendas are posted the Friday evening prior to a Monday board meeting. Copies of the agenda and supporting material are available at each meeting and are available on the table as you enter the Board Room.
The order of business at board meetings is generally as follows:
- Call to Order, Opening and Roll Call
- Approval of Agenda
- Communications and Visitor Comments
- Superintendent’s District Report
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Consent Agenda
- Closed Session
- Open Session
- Adjournment
Formal action is taken only at board meetings for which advance notice is given. When necessary, special, adjourned, or committee meetings are held throughout the year.
All meetings are open to the public. Items concerning personnel, school security, negotiations or litigation and other subjects permitted under the Open Meetings Act are discussed in closed session. However, all action is taken in open session.