Public Participation
The Board welcomes and encourages public comment at regularly scheduled board meetings. Any individual wishing to address the Board may complete a BLUE COMMUNICATION FORM by 4:30 p.m. the day of the meeting. Individuals may also choose to complete a form in person at the Board meeting. Individuals who would like to address the Board must do so in person. As of July 1, 2023, the Board of Education no longer accepts comments submitted to be read aloud during the meeting. If you would like to submit a written statement to the Board, please email
There are two opportunities for the public to share their comments with the Board of Education, including an opportunity near the beginning of the meeting and an opportunity near the end of the meeting. The first public comment session will include comments from audience members who signed up to speak before the start of the meeting. The Board also offers a second public comment session for anyone who would like to comment after hearing the board’s discussion during that evening’s meeting. If you would like to participate in the second public comment session, please fill out a form during our meeting and give it to MaryLin Muscolino who will either be near the door or just outside the room. Individuals will be called in the order in which the forms are turned in. Please limit comments to no more than three (3) minutes.
While the Board appreciates your participation, please understand that the Board does not actively engage in dialogue during public comment. The Board takes all matters seriously and if there is a specific question or comment that requires follow up, the appropriate board member or administrator will follow up within one week.
To access District 204 Policy 2:230 regarding public participation at Board of Education Meetings please click this link boardpolicyonline.