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Drop Off & Pick Up Information

South Campus Traffic Patterns

Carpool Drop-Off/Pick-Up 
  • Student drop off and pick up at South Campus on school days is at the Main Entrance (Exit 1). All students being dropped off or picked up by car should utilize the Main Entrance (Exit 1) in the circle drive.
  • Student drop off and pick up within any other lot is prohibited. The LTHS parking lot is for staff  ONLY.
  • Student drop off and pick up in the south lot by the Corral Building is prohibited. Only students who attend the LTHS Transition Program in the Corral may utilize this location.
  • Student drop off and pick up at the Garden Market shopping center is prohibited. 
  • Please be aware that many students bike or walk to school, so it is important to be alert AT ALL TIMES. The drop off and pick up area is a cell-phone free zone. 

Traffic Patterns: The safest, most efficient and only authorized manner in which students should be dropped off or picked up is via the circle drive. All cars should enter from Willow Springs Road and travel south along the circle drive, exiting at the traffic light. Please see the map image below for specific details.

south campus morning student drop-off

(2024-25 Construction year)


sTudent parking 

  • There will be no student parking permits at South Campus during the 2024-25 school year due to construction.

Bus Transportation

Lyons Township students who reside 1.5 miles or more from their campus are eligible for district-provided transportation. Transportation information is communicated to families prior to the start of school. The pick-up and drop-off times can be accessed through the Stop Sheet links below. Any additional questions regarding student transportation can be directed to TRANSPORTATION@LTHS.NET.

Visit the transportation  page for more information.