Student FAQ's
- How do I sign-out for appointments?
- Where do I go if I am feeling sick?
- How do I request parking?
- How I request an appointment with my guidance counselor (or social worker)?
- Where do I go if I am tardy?
- How many times can my parent/guardian excuse my attendance?
- When can I use my cellphone?
- Where are the cell phone privacy zones?
- How do I use the Speak-Up Line?
- How do I submit a college visit to the attendance office?
- How do I get academic help during Lunch-Study Hall?
- What if I do not have money for lunch?
- What if I need a temporary ID?
- What happens if I lose my ID?
- What happens if I forgot my PE clothes?
- Can I ride a bus route that is not my own?
- How do I request a bus route change?
- How do I sign up for an unscheduled study hall at North Campus?