College/Career Center
LTHS provides comprehensive college and career planning services, supervised and coordinated by the College/Career Coordinator and College Center personnel.
The College/Career Center is located at North Campus in Room 148 directly across from the Counseling Office. It is open from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm daily. The College/Career Center provides student access to up-to-date resources useful in planning and researching post-high school career and educational experiences. Students can receive assistance in researching colleges, application completion, scholarship search and processing and other information pertinent to the post-secondary process. The College/Career Center also arranges for college admissions representatives to visit LTHS to speak to interested students.
CEEB Code: 142-483
Important Links:
To request additional documents for Scholarship Purposes, go to (Students):
CLICK HERE For the Financial Aid Application Nonparticipation Form Instructions
CLICK HERE for Scholarship Document Submission form (for staff use)
For More Information
Book an appointment with Mr. Dailey.
Christa Arquilla, College and Career Administrative Assistant 708-579-6358
Katie Byerle, College and Career ParaEducator
college & Career events
monthly newsletter
Learn more about all of the exciting things happening this fall including:
- College and campus visits
- Upcoming events at LT
- The national college fair and other community events
- Available scholarships and information on Scholarship Club