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5Essentials Survey

The 5Essentials Survey identifies five indicators that lead to improved outcomes for all students, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. The five indicators that positively affect school success are: Effective Leaders, Collaborative Teachers, Involved Families, Supportive Environments, and Ambitious Instruction. Students and families will complete this survey during the winter of each school year. The results of this survey are part of LTHS’s school report card published by the Illinois State Board of Education each year. Survey questions can be viewed here.


Equal Opportunity Schools Survey

Students at Lyons Township High School District 204 will complete a Survey in the fall of each school year. Questions on the survey are designed to inquire about future plans, identify trusted adult(s) at LT, measure belonging, determine supports necessary to help students reach their academic goals, determine individual student learning mindsets, and identify barriers to enrollment in higher level courses. School-wide results from the survey will be used to inform instruction, curriculum, and programs at LTHS. Student results from the survey will be used to help guide course registration in February.


Freshman Preparedness Survey

Freshman students at Lyons Township High School will complete the Freshman Preparedness survey during the spring of their freshman year. The goal of this survey is to gather feedback about their perceptions on how well they were prepared for high school during their middle school/junior high years. Respondents will be asked to rank many of their middle school/junior high experiences from poor to great on a four point scale. Students will also be asked a series of open-ended questions. The data received from this survey will help to enhance the collaborative efforts between Lyons Township HS and its associate school districts, to improve the student experience and assist in program improvements, and support the district’s strategic plan. All responses are anonymous and completed surveys will be routed to the elementary school district identified by the respondent in the survey in addition to the LTHS administrative team.


Illinois Youth Survey

Students at Lyons Township High School will complete the Illinois Department of Human Services sponsored Illinois Youth Survey every other school year. The next administration of this survey will take place during the 2025-2026 school year. This survey asks students to self-report a variety of information around health and social indicators including substance use and perceptions, bullying, school climate, nutrition, and physical activity. The results of this survey provide critical information to school administrators, prevention professionals, and community members as they work to address substance-use issues in their communities. Survey questions can be viewed here.


Panorama Student Perception Survey

Students at Lyons Township High School District 204 will complete a 15-20 minute Panorama Student Perception Survey in the fall and spring of each school year. All participants will answer questions regarding overall school safety, climate, teacher-student relationships, sense of belonging, engagement, rigorous expectations, and diversity and inclusion. Parents/guardians can view the survey questions here. The results of this survey will help school and district leaders identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth within our school climate and culture. Responses will be viewed at the aggregate level to help school leaders ensure the school climate and culture are contributing to a welcoming and supportive educational experience for all students.